Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 252

Dear Lord God, thank You for all the positive influences in my life today. Thank You for everyone who has ever prayed for me and also for anyone who will pray for me in the future. Thanks especially for the people who exercise their faith that You have placed in my path and the positive impact they have had on my character. Thank You that You are using me too to pray and help others in their walk of faith. Thank You that You insulate me from experiences that compromise my full potential and You keep me tuned in to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. I praise You for moving me away from distractions, diversions and discouragement and keeping my thoughts fixed instead on what is true, pure, excellent and worthy of praise. Thank You that nothing guards my heart more than being in Your will. Thank You Father for protecting me from any person or relationship that would slowly prod me down the wrong path. You have caused me to become hypersensitive to the Holy Spirit and helping me to discern the people in my life and the sometimes subtle influence they have on my spiritual, emotional, mental and physical habits. Thank You that You bring wise, genuine friends into my life to strengthen it and dissolving any ties with those who weaken my relationship with You. In Jesus' Name, amen and amen!

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